In 2009, KLAS reported nearly all software-hosting vendors were performing better than third-party hosting firms. Since then, service firms ACS and Dell have had significantly improved satisfaction scores, according to the company’s recent report: Application Hosting: Dynamic Changes Bring Providers Better Options. They now rival the traditionally highly performing software vendors Cerner, GE, McKesson, and Siemens. ACS […]
KLAS Finds Providers Behind the ICD-10 Eight Ball
Less than 10 percent of healthcare providers are over halfway there in terms of being fully prepared for ICD-10, according to the KLAS report, ICD-10: Preparing for October 2013. While providers know a lack of preparation could result in a halt to reimbursements and a revenue cycle disaster when ICD-10 comes, KLAS found that most organizations […]
Allana Cummings, CIO, Northeast Georgia Health System, Chapter 1
Integrated Vendors ACO Favorites
While there are no one-stop shops for providers’ ACO IT needs, Cerner and Epic currently lead the way in provider confidence as being most “ACO-ready,” according to a new report from KLAS, Accountable Care: Providers Forge the ACO Trail. “Providers describe a variety of planned HIT purchases for their ACO projects, including data warehousing and […]
David Bradshaw, Chief Information/Planning/Marketing Officer, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Chapter 1
KLAS Analysts Talk CPOE Adoption
Cerner and Epic hospitals are leading the CPOE-adoption pack in an industry supercharged by the passage of HITECH in early 2009, according to a new KLAS report: CPOE 2011: The ARRA Effect. (Click on the player below for a Podcast interview with report authors Jason Hess and Colin Buckley) Said Jason Hess, author of the […]
Heath Bell, CIO, KishHealth System, Chapter 1
KLAS GM Mike Smith Talks Clinical Implementation Services
Whether in a leading or supporting role, third-party firms specializing in a vendor’s applications almost always implement them more adeptly than the vendor itself — often by a wide margin, according to a new KLAS study, Clinical Implementation Services: High in Demand But More Specialized in Need. (Click on the player below for a Podcast […]
KLAS Finds Desire For Integrated Suites Driving CIS Purchases
While Meaningful Use dollars are driving adoption of clinical information systems, the desire for integrated software suites, across which data can easily flow, is driving the selection of particular vendors, according to a new report from KLAS which looks at hospitals over 200 beds — Clinical Market Share 2011: Is Stimulus Money Still Stimulating? “As […]
How Many Slices Is Enough?
Have you gone to your local electronics store recently and looked at the various options available for digital cameras? I’m blown away by how many megapixels these cameras now have. Sometimes the clarity these cameras offer would only come in handy if I chose to enlarge a photo to be bigger than my home. If […]