Strategies for Moving Towards a Uniform Digital Front Door Experience
Though health systems talk about what they want their “digital front door” to look like, the reality is they usually have many; none of which provide the same experience. That’s because often their individual hospitals, departments, service lines and physician practices — especially those recently acquired — have their own digital front doors, if they have one at all. For some, this may simply consist of a web site; for others, it may be a dedicated portal; while for a rare few, it can be a specialized mobile-native app with lots of functionality. The problem lies in the uneven patient experience this provides within a health system when someone who has interacted with a high-touch area later interacts with one at the other end of the spectrum. In this timely webinar, we’ll hear from leaders who are working hard to reduce the disparate avenues of entry into their organizations so patients have a more consistent and compelling digital front door experience.
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