If 2011 is an indication of things to come, the road ahead could be a bumpy one for the community hospital EMR market. According to a new KLAS Brief — Community Hospital Market Share 2012: Small Hospitals, Big Changes — the market experienced a great deal of upheaval last year, with more than 200 hospitals […]
KLAS Finds Providers Behind the ICD-10 Eight Ball
Less than 10 percent of healthcare providers are over halfway there in terms of being fully prepared for ICD-10, according to the KLAS report, ICD-10: Preparing for October 2013. While providers know a lack of preparation could result in a halt to reimbursements and a revenue cycle disaster when ICD-10 comes, KLAS found that most organizations […]
KLAS Analysts Talk CPOE Adoption
Cerner and Epic hospitals are leading the CPOE-adoption pack in an industry supercharged by the passage of HITECH in early 2009, according to a new KLAS report: CPOE 2011: The ARRA Effect. (Click on the player below for a Podcast interview with report authors Jason Hess and Colin Buckley) Said Jason Hess, author of the […]
Community Hospitals Think Other EMR Grass May Be Greener
One fifth of all community hospitals currently using EMRs plan to switch products within the next couple of years, despite fast-approaching Meaningful Use deadlines, according to a new report by KLAS, Community Hospital EMRs Maturing for Meaningful Use. “McKesson and Meditech C/S clients are most confident that their vendors will get them to Stage 1 of MU by 2013,” commented Paul Pitcher, KLAS research director and author of the report.
Which Acute EMR Vendors Have the Strongest Ambulatory Products?
A Reader Asks: Dear HIS Pros, I recently read Anthony Guerra’s article on Meditech’s ambulatory EHR situation and wanted to know your assessment of the other major inpatient vendors when it comes to their ambulatory offerings. Thanks! Good question: Anthony’s blog on Meditech and LSS makes one wonder about the other big boys offerings in […]
TEXT/PODCAST — KLAS Finds Hospitals/Vendors Face Mammoth CPOE Challenges
U.S. hospitals have “a long way to go” to reach the federal government’s proposed standard of entering at least 10 percent of orders electronically, according to the annual CPOE report from KLAS. Like its predecessors, the 2010 CPOE report features data gathered from almost every hospital in the United States (excluding military or Veterans Administration facilities) that was live with a commercial CPOE product through 2009. Titled CPOE: Traffic Jams on the Road to Meaningful Use, the report finds that only 14 percent of all U.S. hospitals have achieved the expected 10 percent CPOE level required for stage 1 of meaningful use.
Ask the Pros: Best Critical Access Hospital Vendor?
QUESTION: “What vendors would you recommend for a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) of 25 beds?” That’s easy: just look at vendors whose client base consists mainly of 25 bed CAHs: The “Big 3” are CPSI, Healthland and HMS, who each have hundreds of CAH facilities each; indeed, these three small-hospital leaders have few clients over 100 beds in size! They feature strong integration, offering almost every financial and clinical application, obviating costly interfaces. CPSI even has a self-developed PACS and T & A system. HMS just bought superb ED vendor “MedHost,”