“How you manage a record for a population that’s coming and going?”
The importance of real, regional HIE
Becoming an Allscripts (Eclipsys) inpatient shop
Goldilocks governance —not too much, not too little
Keeping RCM (Keane) in place
KLAS Analysts Talk CPOE Adoption
Cerner and Epic hospitals are leading the CPOE-adoption pack in an industry supercharged by the passage of HITECH in early 2009, according to a new KLAS report: CPOE 2011: The ARRA Effect. (Click on the player below for a Podcast interview with report authors Jason Hess and Colin Buckley) Said Jason Hess, author of the […]
Which Acute EMR Vendors Have the Strongest Ambulatory Products?
A Reader Asks: Dear HIS Pros, I recently read Anthony Guerra’s article on Meditech’s ambulatory EHR situation and wanted to know your assessment of the other major inpatient vendors when it comes to their ambulatory offerings. Thanks! Good question: Anthony’s blog on Meditech and LSS makes one wonder about the other big boys offerings in […]
Ask the Pros: Best Critical Access Hospital Vendor?
QUESTION: “What vendors would you recommend for a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) of 25 beds?” That’s easy: just look at vendors whose client base consists mainly of 25 bed CAHs: The “Big 3” are CPSI, Healthland and HMS, who each have hundreds of CAH facilities each; indeed, these three small-hospital leaders have few clients over 100 beds in size! They feature strong integration, offering almost every financial and clinical application, obviating costly interfaces. CPSI even has a self-developed PACS and T & A system. HMS just bought superb ED vendor “MedHost,”