Going live with McKesson Paragon
Juggling multiple ambulatory EHRs — “The interoperability equation has become a lot less difficult.”
Readmission prevention
Forming an ICO — not an ACO
Merrimack Valley collaborative
HIEs — “It’s never a one-size-fits-all”
KLAS: ED Docs Prefer Best-of-Breed Systems
When it comes to emergency department information systems (EDIS), physician satisfaction with best-of-breed systems is 59 percent higher than enterprise systems, according to a new KLAS report — EDIS 2013: Revealing the Physicians’ Voice. Physicians cited better clinical decision support, overall usability, and accuracy of documentation as the primary drivers of satisfaction in the study, […]
Hospitals Relying on ED for MU CPOE
Over 80 percent of providers interviewed for a new KLAS report, EDIS 2011: Delivering on Great Expectations, plan to utilize their EDIS to help them attest for Stage I MU. However, only a third of those say their vendor is ready, noting a variety of functionality gaps, including medication reconciliation, reporting, and CPOE. “Actually being […]
Steve Hess, VP/CIO, University of Colorado Hospital, Transcript/Podcast, Chapter 2
Like most CIOs in healthcare, Steve Hess has no shortage of things to do. First off, he’s knee-deep in a multi-year Epic implementation that will see him bid farewell to many incumbent vendors now, and more in the future. Secondly, he’s morphing the business side of the house from a best-of-breed environment to one concentrated […]
PODCAST: One-on-One w/Erlanger Health System VP & CIO Laurene Vamprine, Chapter 1
While many think being a good CIO means accommodating clinician requests, Laurene Vamprine says it takes more than that. In fact, she says if a CIO’s going to have any chance of saying ‘yes,’ the proper infrastructure must already be in place. Rather than relying on clairvoyance for such knowledge, Vamprine says it’s essential to […]
TEXT/PODCAST – KLAS Finds Integration To Trump Functionality in the ED
Integration is a key focus for many hospitals considering ED strategies to help satisfy Meaningful Use objectives, and many are willing to sacrifice some functionality today for integration and anticipated functional improvements in the future, according to a new report by KLAS. Click on the Player Below to Hear a Podcast Interview with Report Author […]
PODCAST: One-on-One w/Sibley Memorial Hospital VP of Information Resources and Chief Information Technology Officer Kenda Tavakoli, Chapter 1
While change is in the air for healthcare organizations these days, nowhere has there been more dramatic change over the last few years than Washington, DC-based Sibley Memorial Hospital. That’s because after more than 25 years with one person heading IT, Kenda Tavakoli stepped into the role in 2008. Since then, even more change has […]
Ingenix Snaps Up Picis
Picis, a provider of ED, OR and ICU systems, is being acquired by Ingenix. “With the final Meaningful Use rules released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on July 13 designating the ED as a covered inpatient care area, Picis’ clients in this area will have new opportunities to recoup their investments […]
PODCAST: One-on-One w/St. Mary CIO Marian Moran
It’s a debate as old as IT itself — best of breed versus enterprise. In healthcare, that timeless decision usually surfaces in the emergency department, where workflow is incredibly specialized and applications from core clinical vendors usually don’t make the grade. But if niche solutions carry the day, it’s the CIO’s job to make sure […]
KLAS: Enterprise ED Gaining Steam, but at a Price
An increasing number of hospitals are replacing standalone, best-of-breed emergency department software with enterprise solutions that foster better integration —but many of those enterprise solutions are leaving ED clinicians far less satisfied, according to a KLAS report. Among several key findings, the report notes that, for study respondents who are planning to replace or buy […]