Most providers have not attested for Meaningful Use Stage 1, frequently citing quality measures and reporting as their biggest challenges. That has them increasingly reaching out to consultants for assistance, according to the KLAS report Rapid Growth of Meaningful Use Consulting: Why Providers Are Reaching Out.. User adoption, software upgrades, and updates also rank high […]
KLAS: Epic Support Firms Abundant, But Not Equal
Epic users are thirsting for strategy, technical, and implementation assistance from consultants, but not all firms are prepared to provide the expertise. That’s according to the recently published KLAS report Navigating the Sea of Epic Consulting Firms. KLAS verified 46 firms doing Epic-related advisory, implementation, and staffing support work — with most receiving A- or […]
Dennis Sato, Interim CIO, Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 2
Dennis Sato, Interim CIO, Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 1
TEXT/PODCAST: KLAS Finds Providers Seeking MU Help
Nearly 70 percent of healthcare providers expect to hire a professional services firm to help with the demands of achieving Meaningful Use, according to a new report from Orem, Utah-based KLAS entitled, “Shifting Demand for Consultants: Who’s Hot, Who’s Not, and Why.” (click here for a Podcast interview with report author Mike Smith, KLAS general […]
Health Insurance Exchanges – Good or Bad News?
2014 may seem pretty far away. However, it is closer than one may think, and it is the year where the “health insurance exchange” piece of the recently-enacted Health Care Reform act will come into being. These exchanges are meant to provide a “one-stop shopping” option for people who are not able to get insurance through their employers to compare options for purchasing insurance on their own.
One-on-One W/Beacon Partners CEO Ralph Fargnoli (II)
As hospitals of all shapes, sizes and complexity sprint for HITECH dollars, many are looking at consultants to fill gaps in their healthcare IT intellectual capital repositories. Offering everything from system selection expertise to contract negotiation to temporary staffing augmentation, many organizations won’t best Meaningful Use without outside help. To gain insight into just what […]
One-on-One W/Beacon Partners CEO Ralph Fargnoli (I)
As hospitals of all shapes, sizes and complexity sprint for HITECH dollars, many are looking at consultants to fill gaps in their healthcare IT intellectual capital repositories. Offering everything from system selection expertise to contract negotiation to temporary staffing augmentation, many organizations won’t best Meaningful Use without outside help. To gain insight into just what […]