Thoughts on the HIT Policy Committee
Why the HIT Standards Committee is “Camelot”
Advice for furthering CPOE and electronic documentation
Hospital/physician practice integration
Tackling quality measures
Is The Meaningful Use Race Fair?
In a recent article, I was portrayed as someone who does not fully believe the benefits of EMR adoption are, shall we say, meaningful. The author went on to describe the tremendous benefits one health system has gotten from the use of EHR and how terrific the new HITECH regulations and incentives are. I assume […]
Test Cases Urged In Usability Recommendations
Rather than study electronic health record (EHR) usability in the abstract, “a few high-value use cases, particularly those that have patient safety implications,” should be examined, according to recommendations developed by the HIT Policy Committee’s Adoption and Certification Workgroup. Those recommendations — based on a day of hearings held by the workgroup — were outlined […]
Marc Probst, Member, HIT Policy Committee, CIO, Intermountain Healthcare, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 2
Marc Probst, Member, HIT Policy Committee, CIO, Intermountain Healthcare, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 1
It’s Time To Narrow Down Stage 2
One of my biggest frustrations in past jobs was the way meetings were handled. Being very much the kind of person who needs concrete results to feel like the time invested has been well spent, I bristled at meetings whose only deliverable seemed to be the scheduling of another meeting to “revisit the topic.” Now, […]
Faulkner Floats Conflict Charge in PCAST Debate
Judy Faulkner, CEO of Epic and a member of the HIT Policy Committee, told other members of the committee and new National Coordinator Farzad Mostashari, M.D., she was concerned that forces promoting the PCAST vision also stood to gain from its adoption. “What is showing up in blogs — I have seen and sometimes been […]
Frustration Flares in MU Workgroup Debate
The HIT Policy Committee’s Meaningful Use Workgroup struggled to reach consensus on key Stage 2 requirements, with some accusing the group of being timid in certain areas, while others characterized proposed requirements as unrealistic in the given timeframe. Specifically in the area of providing patients electronic access to their hospital visit summaries through a Web-based […]
Workgroup to Investigate Stage 2 Timing Glitch
The Meaningful Use Workgroup — a subcommittee of ONC’s HIT Policy Committee — will review the timing of its staging structure in light of a possible glitch which could hinder some healthcare providers from qualifying for incentive payments. Judy Murphy, RN, a member of the workgroup and VP of information services at Aurora Health Care, […] SnapSurvey: CIOs Feel Unheard in MU Formation
More than 82 percent of CIOs say the voices of those who will have to implement MU (providers/vendors) are not being heard and acted on by the people crafting it, according to a recent SnapSurvey. Despite that widespread sentiment, the same percentage say they would be disappointed if the program were to be cancelled […]