*Writing commentary on industry trends
*”All of a sudden we’ve been upended by HITECH, health reform …”
*Thoughts on HITECH
*The importance of advocacy
*Why change takes time
Marc Probst, Member, HIT Policy Committee, CIO, Intermountain Healthcare, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 2
Providers Voice Gripes at EHR Usability Hearing
Clinicians want electronic health records of the future to saddle them with less “cognitive burden” than those of today when trying to enter orders and grasp subtle changes in a patient’s condition, according to experts testifying on a Care Provider Perspective Panel at the HIT Policy Committee’s Adoption/Certification Workgroup hearing on EHR Usability. “All too […]
Mostashari Tapped to Lead ONC
Farzad Mostashari, M.D., has been selected as ONC’s new National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Mostashari joined ONC in July 2009, serving as the Deputy National Coordinator for Programs and Policy. Previously, he served at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene as Assistant Commissioner for the Primary Care Information Project. Mostashari replaces […]