Participating in leadership-building workshops, using your expertise to mentor, and updating your resume are just a few ways to jump-start your career in 2016, says Healthcare IT Executive Search Consultant Bonnie Siegel.
What To Expect When Interviewing For A CIO Position
Between Halloween and the end of the year, there is often a surprising flurry of executive hiring activity. If you find yourself in the lucky spot of being interviewed for a new CIO or IT leadership role, it is a good idea to practice answering some key questions, whether they come in a first or […]
How Would You Describe Your Management Style?
Several years ago, I wrote a blog, “What Is Your Management Style?” Interestingly, it has received over 200 views a month over the last four years. It is a question that I ask every executive I interview. So when others ask you that question, whether it’s a recruiter or a hiring manager, what do you […]
A Summer Career To-Do List
Career Path Obstacles, Part 2: How Long Is Too Long?
I have been giving career advice for the last five years on, and one might think I would run out of new material. In fact, in my work in executive search, I come across career issues and lessons every day. Moving up, changing jobs, or obtaining a new health system CIO job is not […]
Removing Obstacles From Your Career Path
Have you had obstacles thrown in your career path, and did you overcome them? These are common issues facing job seekers, so let’s discuss some of the key ones that I have heard about recently. Perceived Age Discrimination True age discrimination is illegal, but anyone over a certain age might have felt that it has […]
Keeping Your LinkedIn Profile Fresh
Your LinkedIn profile is your professional branding tool on social media. I wrote about using LinkedIn two years ago (See “What Are Your Red Flags?” and “Successfully Managing Your Account”), and it is a topic you should revisit often. LinkedIn is a great way to market yourself in a very competitive world, whether you are […]
How To Avoid Messing Up On Your Next Interview
Congratulations, you have survived all the steps to be invited to a job interview at a health system! The keys to success in interviewing can be as simple as advance preparation and practicing your answers. Are you prepared to be judged by a multitude of strangers and be peppered with their questions? Let’s avoid the […]
Relocation Trends and Options for CIOs
The real estate market has eased up since the economic decline of October 2008, but traditional relocation packages are not always adequate for high-level C-suite positions, including, on occasion, CIOs. In 2014, I saw some very creative relocation packages for the CIO candidate of choice. Although not-for-profit hiring organizations are more conservative in giving “extras” […]
Top Blogs Of 2014
From the Ebola outbreak to the changes in ONC leadership to (yet another) ICD-10 delay, 2014 provided a great deal of fodder, and our bloggers proved they were up to the task by providing excellent content. And while there were numerous topics that resonated with our audience, what really seemed to make an impression were […]