From the Ebola outbreak to the changes in ONC leadership to (yet another) ICD-10 delay, 2014 provided a great deal of fodder, and our bloggers proved they were up to the task by providing excellent content. And while there were numerous topics that resonated with our audience, what really seemed to make an impression were blogs focusing on change management, leadership strategies, and the evolving role of the CIO.
Below, we reveal the top 10 blog posts from the past year. Thank you to all of those who have contributed to our site and helped us to achieve our goal of keeping CIOs and other leaders educated.
1. Five Pieces Of Advice For Karen DeSalvo (John Halamka, MD)
2. Is It Time To Eliminate Meaningful Use? (Dale Sanders)
3. Breaking It Down Before Building Up: What CIOs Need to Know About EDWs (Yiscah Bracha)
4. Enabled Vet Update: Starting On The Road Home (Jaime Parent)
5. How (and Why) To Become A Next Generation CIO (David Chou)
6. Fixing The Car While It’s Zooming Down The Highway (Scott MacLean)
7. IT Takes A Village (Sue Schade)
8. A Tale of Two Roles (Scott MacLean)
9. What’s Happening in Healthcare Analytics? (Dale Sanders)
10. The Issues That Elicit Fear and Frustration Among CIOs (Bonnie Siegel)
We look forward to hearing more interesting perspectives in 2015. Happy New Year!
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