“He said it’s fixed?” I asked my wife incredulously. “That’s not fixed.” “I know,” she said, as we both stared at the cracked tile. Our bathroom remodel was just about finished when our contractor said he’d cracked one of the tiles upon installation, but no worries, he said, it’d been fixed. After my wife communicated […]
Sonya Christian, CIO, West Georgia Health System, Chapter 4
CHIME Urges Gov To Look Before Metadata Leap
In response to an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking on the use of metadata standards to support health data exchange, CHIME is urging government officials “to study the complex issues more closely and to work with industry partners to develop and test metadata standards before considering any broader action,” the organization stated. In comments it […]
Two Standards Forward, One Step Back
I am all for standards. The more we define and codify the practice of medicine, the better and more interoperable our EHRs become. But a standard, for the sake of a standard, takes us backwards. I believe the writers of the Final Rule that defined Meaningful Use of an EHR took us backwards when they […]
IOM Cites Patient ID As Challenge
A new report from the Institute of Medicine identifies the most important principles that should guide the establishment of a digital infrastructure “that will support a learning health system at the national level.” Areas identified for further analysis included the potential health and economic returns associated with IT, consensus on standards and quality measures, and […]
The Petitio Principii of ACOs
The serious lack of infrastructure to support an expansive and meaningful ACO strategy is missing from the healthcare technology toolkit. Some may view this as a non critical issue but with so many organizations engaged in some form of ACO activity, we have to ask, “Have we begged the question?” It seems to me we […]
Phil Fasano, EVP/CIO, Kaiser Permanente, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 1
CHIME Wants Changes to Certification Standards IFR
Further clarification is needed as to how certification will apply to organizations that use multiple clinical systems as components to an overall EHR, states CHIME in a comment letter to ONC regarding the Certification standards and implementation specifications IFR. CHIME supports wording in the rule that requires only certification of individual EHR modules. Additionally, CHIME […]
EMRs, Lab Results & Cost of Complying w/MU
In my last posting, I talked about some of the Meaningful Use observations made at the recent Health Stimulus Exchange Conference in Boston. Another interesting factoid cited at the conference came from Mickey Tripathi, in his presentation on Regional Extension Centers. Mr. Tripathi, who is the co-chair of the Information Exchange Workgroup of the HIT Policy Committee, […]
Standards Committee Struggles for Balance
Instead of recommending small adjustment to the Standards and Certification Interim Final Rule (IFR), the 10th meeting of the federal HIT Standards Committee was consumed by a fundamental, philosophical debate of just how specific the group should be in its regulations, and the nature of the regulatory process itself. “We have to balance when to […]