The real challenge for many organizations will be whether Stage 7 can realistically be achieved with your existing vendors. If you are using a single-vendor approach, like many Epic, Meditech, or Cerner hospitals are, the data elements that need to flow between modules or department clinical applications already exist. The need to use BMV in […]
Contemplating Stage 7, Part I: Reengineering Processes And Securing Buy-in
As an organization that just received HIMSS Analytics Stage 6 recognition, we decided not to rest on our laurels but to fully explore the HIMSS Analytics Stage 7 requirements. We saw Stage 7 as not just recognition that an organization is basically “paperless,” but more importantly, as a commitment to improve patient care and the […]
The Risky Business Of Third-Party Vendors
In a free-market economy, supply and demand drive pricing, availability, and a host of other economic trends. I have been in the healthcare IT business for over 20 years now, and generally, that free-market model has worked well. It has also allowed for win-win pricing structure and contractual payment terms. For instance, I have regularly […]
Meditech 6.0 Diary Part 19: Working Through The Growing Pains
Meditech 6.0 Diary Part 9 – Chickens And Eggs
It is said that timing is everything. This is just as true in our 6.x implementation as elsewhere in life. Also in terms of timing, one can ask what came first: the chicken or the egg. The 6.x version of that same question is what comes first: dictionary build or dictionary team training. As stated […]
Meditech 6.0 Diary Part 8 — Dictionary Dilemmas
Well, we are knee deep in dictionary build, so this month’s article will focus a lot on Billing/Accounts Receivable (BAR) and Patient Care Services (PCS). As previously stated, we are taking this opportunity to reevaluate all our processes and existing dictionary structure. I will also discuss how the changes we are looking at impact the […]
Meditech 6.0 Diary: Part 1 — Culture Shock
As some of you who have followed my past blogs know, I have just transitioned from a Siemens shop in Bermuda to a Meditech hospital in the great white north of upper New York State. Like most hospitals, we too have a strategy for meeting the regulatory requirements of Meaningful Use. For us, it revolves […]