Seven industry organizations have collectively taken Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius up on her request to learn “the top five solutions HHS can implement to ensure greater success in meeting Meaningful Use Stage 1 for Eligible Professionals and Eligible Hospitals,” by sending a letter outlining their proposals to the secretary. In […]
AHA Says ACO Costs Far Exceed CMS Estimates
The start-up investment required to establish and sustain an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is considerably higher — $11.6 to $26.1 million — than the $1.8 million estimated by CMS in its proposed rule for launch and one year of ongoing operations, according to a study by the American Hospital Association. Caroline Steinberg, VP of Health […]
Dozens Band to Emphasize Meaningful Use Complaints
Over 50 organizations — including CHIME and the AHA — have written a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to demand CMS make major changes to the Meaningful Use NPRM. The group is asking for: Greater flexibility in meeting meaningful use; More time to achieve meaningful use; Small physician practice representation on the Health IT Policy Committee; A feedback loop on program performance; A focus on clinical functions …
AHA Sees Negative Consequences in Meaningful Use
“The AHA is very concerned that the high bar for achieving ‘meaningful use’ and the limited transitions proposed in the NPRM will severely limit hospitals’ ability to access these much-needed resources,” the organization stated in its recently filed comment letter to CMS. “We fear that the ultimate impact of the program actually could be the […]
One-on-One w/Methodist Health CIO Pam McNutt (I)
As chair of CHIME’s Policy Steering Committee, Pamela McNutt, SVP & CIO, Methodist Health System, is leading that organization’s response to the Meaningful Use Interim Final Rule (IFR). But McNutt’s dual role as member of the AHA IT Policy Advisory Committee gives her an even more powerful vantage from which to formulate a comment, while […]