All good managers know the key to getting optimal performance is not issuing prescriptive directives but communicating high-level goals, allowing the magical properties of ownership to foster a positive outcome. When people are told what needs to be done (treated like adults) they act like adults, think creatively, go beyond the minimum and often produce superior results. When people are told how it needs to be done, they act like the functionaries they have become, do exactly what has been asked, and await further instructions, regardless of what has actually been achieved. Read the rest of this columnĀ at Information Week.
Dale Sanders says
Bless their hearts for trying, but the leadership that endorsed the final Rule surely have never tried to pull from EMRs the metrics of proof for Meaningful Use compliance, otherwise they would have made a different, more pragmatic first step. The evidence of proof metrics are going to be as complicated to build as achieving the MU functionality itself.