healthsystemCIO’s Column Syndication lets your executives showcase their knowledge of industry issues by sharing expertise and advice with our audience. All columns are reviewed and edited by Editor-in-Chief Anthony Guerra who will provide feedback to ensure they resonate with our audience.
Column Criteria
- Focused on educating health system IT executives about a particular challenge
- Pieces should be 800 to 1,000 words
- Author should not by someone with a “Sales” or “Marketing” title
- Any information about the author’s company or offerings to appear only in separate “About Us” paragraph after the main column (max 200 words)
- Posted in Columns section of healthsystemCIO home page for one month, after which content scrolls off the homepage and moves to our Partner Perspective Library
- 2 dedicated email blasts to healthsystemCIO distribution list
- Listed in healthsystemCIO eNewsletter for 2 weeks
- Full round of social media promotion to our extensive LinkedIn & Twitter networks
Program Highlights
- Comprehensive reporting provided at program’s conclusion (number of pageviews, time on page, eblast opens and clicks and number of views of LinkedIn post)
- Column can be published within 48 hours of review
- 300×250 Banner for one month – client provides creative
- Upon completion of a third column, sponsors receive their own Partner Channel in our Partner Perspective Library
- $3,750
Contact healthsystemCIO Director of Sales & Marketing Nancy Wilcox (303-335-6009) with sponsorship inquiries