The FDRHPO isn’t immune to the mistake of “putting the cart before the horse.” Before the formation of the PEC, we built a state-of-the-art, region-wide, fiber optic network connecting medical facilities in five counties — a network that, until recently, was underutilized. We continue to seek applications for the solution […]
The Power of Clinical Advisors, Part I: Navigating A Unique Governance Model
Concluding a grant-funded HIT initiative at the Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization (FDRHPO) has led me to reflect on one of the project’s best assets: its clinical advisory committee. The first segment of this two-part series will examine the opportunities and challenges that come with having a unique governance model. The FDRHPO created the […]
The Lasting Impact An Interim CIO Can Leave
Not too long ago while working with B.E. Smith, I had the chance to serve as interim CIO at a 600-bed academic medical center. I found this work both rewarding and refreshing. The greatest challenge and the greatest difference, in my experience, is relationship building. When you take on a permanent CIO position, you work hard to build […]
Preparing For The Brave New ACO World
Everyone has a lot going on these days. Most of us are working toward meeting Meaningful Use criteria, preparing on all fronts for ICD-10, supporting organizational growth and expansion, supporting key organizational strategic priorities and goals, accelerating informatics and analytics capabilities […]
Gearing Up For The Data Deluge
How and when are we going to get the tools and processes that we need to capture and effectively use the patient physiological data that we have now, and all the new info that is coming? At the recent CHIME Fall Forum, Dr. Eric Topol described the new and innovative ways in which we will be getting […]
Taking A Leap Of Faith
As I look forward to the impact of healthcare reform, whether it is a partisan or bipartisan initiative, I can only predict one thing: we will need access to accurate and comprehensive clinical, operational, and financial data in order to meet whatever new requirements may come. Most communities are still struggling with process measures …
Five Categories for Assessing IT Talent
Today and in the future, IT professional staff must have a balance of the right skills, competencies, and interpersonal capabilities to deliver a valued solution to end customers. As a CIO or IT leader, how often have you had a leader or staff member with superior technical skills who seems incapable of completing projects on time …
Benchmarking Doesn’t Have To Be Exasperating
As today’s health systems continue to invest in information technology, the IT budgets continue to rise along with the staff to manage and support the systems. As CIOs, we struggle to get our arms around the numbers and attempt to quantify, analyze and determine what the ‘Magic Number’ is for staffing and dollars to support our infrastructure.
It’s All About the People
If you are an experienced CIO, there is something I know about you. At some point in your career, you were recognized by executive leadership as being the best of the best. You were engaged and possessed many attributes. People may have described you as smart, innovative, creative, highly motivated and a good communicator …
What’s Useful About Meaningful Use?
In partnership with CHIME, has developed a blogger series featuring insights from hospital and health system CIOs and other key IT leaders representing organizations from around the country. The blogs, which will be featured on our site on a biweekly basis, will focus on the major issues affecting CIOs, including the health IT workforce […]