What do CIOs, Chief Digital Officers, and other leaders really want to get out of conversations with vendors? Hint: it doesn’t involve claims to “make healthcare better,” according to our experts. Instead, involves asking questions, listening, and working to develop real relationships.
Leaders Speak: Why In-Person Conferences Are Here to Stay
Is there a more effective way for healthcare leaders to gain “a broader understanding of what others are working on and solving for than spending a few days ingesting information and building relationships at a conference?” Tarun Kapoor doesn’t think so. In this piece, we share perspectives from a handful of leaders on why live events have made a comeback.
Wrapping Up 2023: HealthsystemCIO’s Most Popular Interviews
It wasn’t just the usual suspects of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity that peaked the interests of our readers in 2023 – although those topics did draw interest. It was also the year of improving care access, managing organizational growth, and establishing a solid foundation for innovation.
“Start Listening”: Two Leaders on How Their Teams Overcame “Horror Stories” and Improved Outcomes
CHIME23: The Roads Not Taken
CHIME23: Recognizing Healthcare’s True Heroes
There is, however, one area in which healthcare consistently has a surplus: heroic individuals. And it’s not just the ones performing lifesaving surgeries (although that is certainly commendable). In fact, when we surveyed a group of leaders about who they believe are the unsung heroes in healthcare, some weren’t even employed by health systems.
CHIME23: Leaders Share Career-Changing Moments
With the exception of a rare few, most career paths are riddled with bumps, potholes, and detours. Fortunately, they’re also filled with opportunities for those who are paying attention – and are willing to try a different direction. In this post, leaders shed light on the conversations that altered their lives.
CHIME23: The Discussions Leaders Want to Have
Q&A with Guthrie Clinic Chief Digital Officer Terri Couts: “The Focus Should Be On the Patient.”
“We can’t continue to do what we’ve done in the past and expect to survive,” said Terri Couts, CDO at Guthrie Clinic. In this interview, she talks about the virtual command center designed to centralize key functions, increase efficiencies, and ease the burden on nurses – and the “revamp” that’s helping them get there.