The most valuable lessons Bill Spooner learned during his CIO tenure still hold true today: make smart investments, do the research, and don’t buy anything you don’t really need.
Ken Lawonn, SVP & CIO, Sharp HealthCare, Chapter 3
Ken Lawonn, SVP & CIO, Sharp HealthCare, Chapter 2
Health plan & the “interesting dynamic” with payers
Creating an IT risk management department
Educational awareness — “Healthcare workers tend to be trusting.”
Rise of the CISO
Posturing for pop health — “It’s not scalable with the existing technology.”
Mobility steering committee
Allscripts’ FollowMyHealth portal
Ken Lawonn, SVP & CIO, Sharp HealthCare, Chapter 1
Bill Spooner, SVP/CIO, Sharp Healthcare, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 3
Bill Spooner, SVP/CIO, Sharp Healthcare, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 2
*Thoughts on PCAST — “Without a doubt, it could not be implemented in the timeframe that was suggested in the original report”
*Other ways than MU to foster progress
*The quality measures conundrum
*Are CIOs influencing policy? “I’d be thrilled to see a mainstream, community healthcare system CIO on the Policy Committee itself”
Bill Spooner, SVP/CIO, Sharp Healthcare, Transcript/Podcast Chapter 1
TEXT/PODCAST: Premier MU Library to Aid Members
Experts from some not-for-profit hospitals have created an EHR Meaningful Use Implementation best-practices library, as part of the Premier healthcare alliance Health Information Technology (HIT) Collaborative. Championed by Bill Spooner, CIO at Sharp HealthCare, and Craig Richardville, CIO for the Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), the library features specific instruction on ways to speed implementation of […]