Connecting with the community to facilitate referrals
Is MU spurring practices to adopt?
Measuring up to Meaningful Use
Stage 2 concerns
Comparing HIMSS Analytics & Meaningful Use Stages
Phyllis Teater, Associate VP/CIO, Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, Chapter 1
Tucson Medical Center Gets Stage 7 Stamp
Tucson Medical Center has been awarded the highest level of achievement (Stage 7) of its EMR Adoption Model (EMRAM) by HIMSS Analytics. EMRAM is used to track EMR progress at hospitals and health systems. As of June 15, Tucson Medical Center is one of 57 hospitals, or 1 percent of the more than 5,000 hospitals […]
Daniel Nigrin, M.D., SVP for IS & CIO, Children’s Hospital Boston, Podcast Chapter 2
While some CIOs favor an integrated suite that requires fewer interfaces on the back end, others are functionality fanatics, happy to give the docs just about whatever they like best, as long as they promise to use the system they’ve chosen. Not surprisingly, CIOs who are also MDs — and thus have been on the […]
One-on-One w/U of Wisc. Hospitals CIO Mike Sauk (I)
While meeting Stage 1 requirements of the Meaningful Use NPRM is a daunting challenge to most, a few are just about there. One such institution is University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, a HIMSS Analytics Stage 7 facility. And though VP and CIO Mike Sauk has just a few odds and ends to deal with, […]