From smart software to a virtual home base, the time is ripe for CIOs to stop being satisfied with marginal changes and start taking some risks, says former GE executive Walter Robb.
Image Control: Using Knowledge To Minimize Radiation Dose
The Experience My five-year-old daughter broke her wrist last week — on the monkey bars, of course. The break was right on the growth plate, so there was concern about the need for surgery. Yesterday we went to see the orthopedist to get a cast and an X-ray. What an adventure! Knowing that my daughter […]
KLAS: Providers Turning To Virtualization To Secure Mobile Devices
With a large majority (70 percent) of provider organizations now using mobile devices to access electronic records, security has become a top priority for CIOs, according to a new KLAS report — Mobile Applications: Can Enterprise Vendors Keep Up, which found that virtualization is the method most often used to address security concerns. “Providers are […]
KLAS: Cardiology Solutions Still Don’t Offer The Whole Picture
Although the cardiology IT market is improving, providers still can’t identify one vendor that successfully offers integration, functionality, and comprehensive modules, according to a new report from KLAS — Cardiology IT 2012: Fitting the Pieces Together. In the study, McKesson, Merge, Philips, and Siemens were named top-tier vendors in terms of the combination of adoption […]
KLAS: Track Record Trumping Price In Ambulatory EMR Purchasing
As EMRs continue their transformation from nice-to-have to stakes-to-play, physician practices are less willing to take chances in exchange for big bargains, especially the second time around, according to a new KLAS report, Ambulatory EMR 2012: Market Splitting Under Adoption Pressure. “Some providers are changing vendors simply because their whole organization is moving onto one […]
KLAS: Interoperability Becoming A Key Driver in Labor & Delivery Market
Although the labor and delivery market has historically been dominated by best-of-breed systems because of their focus on clinical functionality, increasing demand for integration is changing the game, according to a new KLAS report — Labor and Delivery 2012: Pursuing Interoperable Functionality. The study found that the need for interoperability among many providers has knocked […]
KLAS: New Technique Driving the Digital Mammography Market
With its strong digital mammography product, which features the groundbreaking tomosynthesis imaging technique, Hologic has solidified its spot as top vendor in the space, according to a new KLAS study — Women’s Imaging 2012:Tomosynthesis Makes a Splash. The report found that tomosynthesis lives up to the hype in terms of its ability to detect lesions […]
KLAS: Electronic Record Growth Slow Outside the U.S.
Although there are plenty of vendors exploring the international space, the market for electronic patient records outside of the United States is still in the early stages, according to a new KLAS report — International EPR Market 2012: Multinational Vendor Footprints. The report, which is the first by KLAS to examine the global EMR market, […]
KLAS: With RTLS, It’s In The Way That You Use It
Though only 10 to 15 percent of the healthcare market is currently utilizing a real-time location system (RTLS) solution, 95 percent of them (ranging from facilities with 25 beds to large IDNs with thousands of beds), cite operational efficiency gains, according to a new KLAS report — Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) 2011: Maximizing the ROI. […]
Don’t Be Strangled By Process-Improvement Black Belts
In ITIL, we healthcare CIOs are acting in predictable fashion by following the “Most Popular Practice” as opposed to the “Best Practice.” Before we pull the trigger on yet another silver bullet savior of process, I urge all of us to look closely at the contribution of burdensome process in the woes of Toyota…and GE…and […]