It doesn’t take an hour to get a strong message across, as was demonstrated when three influential CIOs took the stage during CHIME TED Talks and shared best practices in areas like innovation, security, and patient engagement.
Craig Richardville, SVP & CIO, Carolinas HealthCare System, Chapter 3
Craig Richardville, SVP & CIO, Carolinas HealthCare System, Chapter 2
Craig Richardville, SVP & CIO, Carolinas HealthCare System, Chapter 1
Richardville Named CIO Of The Year
TEXT/PODCAST: Premier MU Library to Aid Members
Experts from some not-for-profit hospitals have created an EHR Meaningful Use Implementation best-practices library, as part of the Premier healthcare alliance Health Information Technology (HIT) Collaborative. Championed by Bill Spooner, CIO at Sharp HealthCare, and Craig Richardville, CIO for the Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), the library features specific instruction on ways to speed implementation of […]