Demands on healthcare IT departments have grown exponentially over the last five years. Most of these IT departments now have to balance a dramatic increase in the volume of applications they need to support, a constant stream of new technologies to implement and manage, and a number of new devices that require IT maintenance. But […]
Partner Perspective – Tips for Managing Healthcare IT Resource Constraints with Self-Service
In today’s healthcare environment, IT teams are stretched thin. The demand for digital transformation, maintaining compliance and managing ever-increasing data security risks often leaves little room for innovation or addressing critical system needs in a timely manner. Resource constraints, from staffing shortages to budget limitations, are a constant struggle. To combat this, many healthcare organizations […]
Partner Perspective: Leveraging No-Code IT Service Management Platforms Can Empower Users & Free up the Help Desk
IT demands in healthcare have grown immensely over the last 5 years. IT departments throughout health systems now contend with a dramatic increase in the volume of applications needed to support critical functions, as well as a constant stream of new technologies and devices that require IT maintenance. At the same time, ticket volumes and […]