Should I Stay or Should I Go? Evaluating the Cost/Benefit of In-Suite Versus Specialized Apps in the Digital Patient Engagement Space
New Webinar Coming 2/27 at 12 ET
Considering the millions of dollars that health systems have invested in their EHR platforms, it’s no surprise that’s the first place they look when seeking to fulfill a new use case. After all, staying “in-house” should offer cost benefits, both up front and in terms of integration/TCO. But sometimes an examination of a core vendor’s offering leaves users and patients wanting, especially in comparison to best-of-breed products that were developed to focus on these use cases. Of course, someone — or rather some governance process — has to make the decision of how to move forward and if/how to partner with these specialized solutions. In this timely digital patient engagement webinar, we’ll speak to leaders who have grappled with these decisions in an effort to balance user preferences with overall enterprise IT initiatives.
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