Daniel Morreale, FCHIME, MA, is CIO at AtlantiCare in Southeastern New Jersey. A veteran of healthcare information systems, having worked on both the vendor and provider sides of the healthcare delivery system. Originally trained as a clinician, he recognized early on the strategic potential of IT to improve the delivery and quality of patient care. His Blog communicates his drive and passion for developing HIEs to create a digital healthcare community with interconnected physician practices; portal-based personal health records, and “virtual medical homes” as a model to shift the course of healthcare delivery. “The cultural change from episodic care to proactive care is embedded in technology if we do it right.”
Paul Roemer, MBA, is the managing partner of Healthcare IT Strategy and the Chief Imaginist of Healthcare Idea Lab. Paul has more than 30 years of management consulting experience and a passion for how IT can help manage the change coming to healthcare. He wrestles with how to turn the ambiguity around healthcare reform and HITECH’s eventual shape into practical business decisions. Paul’s blog will focus on helping providers understand how tomorrow’s healthcare business will operate so they can position today’s business model to bridge the gap with strategy, HIT, workflow improvement, and change management.
Dale Sanders is CIO for the Cayman Islands National Health Services Authority. His past lives include CIO for the 650-physician specialty group at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and Regional Director of Medical Informatics at Intermountain Healthcare. Half of his 27-year career resides outside healthcare in manufacturing, military, and national intelligence. He is passionate about injecting IT skills and business concepts from other industries into healthcare; improving CIOs’ risk management skills to enable greater risk tolerance; and the CIO’s leadership role in reforming healthcare economic models to incentivize quality of care, not volume.
Bonnie Siegel, FHIMSS, is Associate Partner at Sanford Rose Associates — Charleston. Her “HIT Recruiter Buzz” Blog will provide readers insight into career development and advice, organizational design issues, recruitment trends in CIO, clinical informatics and senior IT leadership areas along with helpful hints on how to work with recruiters. Bonnie has over 25 years experience in HIT market research, consulting and executive search Her blog will draw on her unique experiences as a retained healthcare IT executive recruiter to share thoughts and topics of interest for employers and candidates, all related to the human side of healthcare IT.