Pushing the envelope
Partnerships with independent docs & community facilities
“I never wake up in the morning and say, ‘what am I going to do today?’”
Social media support
His leadership philosophy: “Backyards without fences”
Slowing down change
Jeffrey Brown, CIO, Lawrence General Hospital, Chapter 1
Jamie Nelson, CIO, Hospital for Special Surgery, Chapter 1
Jake Dorst, CIO, Meritus Health, Chapter 1
Charlotte Wray, Chief Clinical and Information Officer, EMH Healthcare, Chapter 1
About EMH Healthcare
Siemens Soarian in the hospital, Allscripts Enterprise in ambulatory
MU pushing EHR plans to the forefront — “We fell into the sweet spot.”
From a mostly-paper environment to Stage 6
Leading a clinical transformation — “Include key stakeholders in the decision-making process.”
Aligning with the CNO
Physician pushback after go-live
Tom Bres, VP/CIO, Sparrow Health System, Chapter 2
Mark Gilliam, CIO, Ardent Health Services, Chapter 1
Ardent’s unique operating model
“We have a piece of every part of the health care continuum.”
Standardizing IT with McKesson clinicals and Lawson financials
Racking up frequent flyer miles
Offering access to non-employed docs, but not a hosted EMR
“We haven’t determined there’s a driving need in the markets we serve.”