On Thursday, Nov. 11, we observe Veteran’s Day — a day to celebrate and honor those who have sacrificed through their service to our nation in the military. Many have given the ultimate sacrifice (their lives), so we can live in the land of free. As I look around our healthcare information technology community, I […]
Before You Buy a New System …
In explaining behavioral and social change, the concept of positive deviance contends there are people whose uncommon, but successful, behaviors or strategies enable them to find better solutions to a problem than their peers, despite having no special resources or knowledge. In many situations and, in particular, healthcare organizations, all that is needed to make life-saving changes is right in front of us.
Is Healthcare IT Really Behind Other Industries?
You often hear ill-informed keynote speakers, healthcare leaders and others say that the healthcare industry is behind, often drastically, other industries when it comes to the adoption of IT. Those who make these statements base them on limited facts and anecdotal information. I, however, will suggest the opposite opinion. Having spent many days with CIOs […]
ONC is Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reasons
Last month, I was extremely fortunate to participate in two different meetings with the Office of the National Coordinator (Dr. David Blumenthal-ONC) and several of his senior staff. Despite the substantially different subject material for the two meetings, there was one common thread from the ONC — an overwhelming desire to help improve our health […]
CIOs coming together to solve major HIT problems
Never in the history of the United States is there more at risk relative to the deployment of information technology and specifically health information technology. The very future of our health system is dependent on us (CIOs). There is no more time for competition either individually or organizationally. How much difference can we make united […]