Only 22 percent of CIOs currently have the staff they need to accomplish all the tasks on their overflowing plates, according to the October SnapSurvey. Of the remainder, 37 percent “are working on it,” while 41 percent cite different reasons they will not be able to assemble the required teams.
As far as having other elements of success in place, the picture is a bit rosier. 78 percent of CIOs say they have the necessary support from management, 67 percent have the funding they need, 59 percent have the right governance structure in place to make decisions efficiently, and 56 percent have solid engagement from the clinical side of the house.
Of course, the flip side of those numbers represents a significant segment of the CIO population in pain. Most notable, 37 percent say they do not have support from clinicians, though “things are getting better,” and 30 percent indicate governance is a problem that is being addressed.
(SnapSurveys are answered by the CIO Advisory Panel. To see a full-size version of all charts, click here. To go directly to a full-size version of any individual chart, click on that chart)
1. Do you currently have the team/staff you need to accomplish all tasks on your plate?
No, and unfortunately no sign of getting it because we don’t have the budget
- We are having to prioritize and juggle more than ever before.
No, and unfortunately no sign of getting it because we can’t find qualified people
- Challenged by budget constraints and lack of quality people. Also struggling to hold on to existing staff who are being courted by larger salaries and opportunities.
No, but working on it (hiring)
- We are working on some fairly creative approaches – which have great potential. Should have better grip on this by end of year.
- Tough to find people, Epic experience is at a premium.
- For the most part, “yes.” If our scope of work changes, we will need more resources. We are still hiring for a few key positions and are running into challenges in finding well-qualified candidates.
- Some of the skilled ‘higher-end’ IT clinical talent are very difficult to locate.
2. Do you currently have the necessary support from your direct manager (CEO, CFO, COO) to accomplish all tasks on your plate?
- Highly supportive CEO
- Support is understanding we can not do everything for everyone, working on priorities.
- Work for the CEO. Greater challenge with the tougher healthcare market is my C-Suite peers wanting more control and questioning everything about IT because they lack full appreciation of what is on the IT-enabled plate.
- May not get everything done but great support from CEO.
No, but he/she is coming around
- Have support for tasks, but struggle to get resources released.
3. Do you currently have the necessary support on the clinical side of the house (CMIO, CMO, physician champions, etc) to accomplish all tasks on your plate that require their help?
- I have a CMIO/CQO who reports to me along with a CNIO and a supportive CMO.
- CMIO reports to me, CMO and I are suite mates.
No, but things are getting better
- Recruiting a CMIO.
4. Do you currently have the necessary overall budget to accomplish all tasks on your plate?
No, but I’m optimistic we will soon be better funded
- Still working through capital prioritization but we should be okay.
- Okay on operating budget, not on salary budget.
- Currently, but there are lots of folks wanting to assist….unfortunately most not the assistance that will accomplish the objectives.
5. Do you currently have the necessary corporate/IT/organizational governance in place (think of this as having the necessary plumbing to make solid decisions as quickly as is reasonably possible) to accomplish all tasks on your plate?
- This continually gets improved, but it is adequate as it is.
- Still some opportunities for improvements but overall we have strong governance bodies and processes already in place.
No, but a review/redesign is in the works
- Charter complete with first meeting in November
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