On Thursday, Nov. 11, we observe Veteran’s Day — a day to celebrate and honor those who have sacrificed through their service to our nation in the military. Many have given the ultimate sacrifice (their lives), so we can live in the land of free.
As I look around our healthcare information technology community, I see many faces that I recognize from my over 20 years of service in the Air Force. These are great CIOs, vendors, and IS professionals who got their start and experience working in one of the most difficult and challenging environments — the US military.
Although nowhere near enough, I wanted to say thanks to a few special friends — Randy, Drex, Herb, Rusty, Helen, Rich, Jose, Han, Nicole, and many more. Your service and sacrifice will never go forgotten.
As you read this, there are young men and women in harms way to protect us. In addition, there are not many WWII and Korean War Veterans left. They are in our facilities, clinics, and nursing homes. At the very least, we must not forget them on Nov. 11. To that end, we honor you!
Bonnie Siegel says
Thanks Russ, for the inspiring post. Today made me think of all the WWII veterans in our family, who are gone now. How I wish I could hear their stories again. To all of our veterans and active military…thank you very much.